RASA Objections


19 January 2018

To: Mrs Mongwadi Mary Ngwetjana Deputy Registrar of Labour Relations Department of Labour
Laboria House
215 Francis Baard Street Private Bag X117 Pretoria

Ref:     Government Gazette No 41351 Notice No. R. 1470 Department of Labour

22nd December 2018

RE: Submission of Formal objection to the registration of the Statutory Council known as the Statutory Council for the Fast Food, Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades (“SCFFRCAT”) to be recognised as a Bargaining Council in terms of s48, read with s29, of the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 (as amended).



RASA is a non-profit organization that was formed in 2004, to act in the interest of the South African restaurateurs and to ensure that there was a lobby and a voice to speak on there behalf. The sole purpose of RASA is to represent develop educate and ensure sustainability for the restaurant industry. RASA is the port of call by government for all consultations relating to the restaurant industry and includes the transformation of the industry through job creation, skills development and capacity building.


RASA confirms that the views expressed herein are that of a diverse and broad nature. The observations, comments and proposals represent the views of rural, urban, group independent, established and emerging hospitality institutions all forming part of RASA.   The aforementioned, inter alia, have a direct interest in the outcome of the proposed application.